English Language & Literature in English

Too often we teach our students what to think, not how to think.
The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
The English Language and Literature Department's focus is to nurture our students’ critical thinking and effective communication skills. We want our students to develop meta-cognitively, knowing why they do what they do. This will in turn translate into students becoming more effective readers, viewers, writers and speakers of the language.
Literature is also integral in developing students to be (i) critical readers who can appreciate the nuances of language and the author's intent when using language for impact, (ii) empathetic and global thinkers who can consider multiple perspectives and are sensitive to other's experiences, (iii) creative meaning makers who can confidently form their own informed interpretations, and (iv) convincing communicators who can effectively articulate their views.
In developing these skills, our mission is for Temasekians to become more self-directed in their learning and application. This way, they will become confident, purposeful and responsible users of the language.
Secondary One to Five
The Reading Programme
Our Reading Programme has been re-conceptualised with the aim to not only cultivate a good reading culture among Temasekians, but also to inculcate habits of thinking that will develop Temasekians into critical thinkers. Students are challenged to assess biasness, consider multiple perspectives and draw connections to larger issues (just to name a few thinking frames) when they engage with a text. The selection of multimodal texts that our students will read and discuss has also been specially curated by our team of teachers. They explore current and relevant issues that will encourage students to broaden their horizons and question their pre-existing assumptions.
Students will:
• Appreciate reading and viewing by looking at the authors’ craft in conveying meaning in creative ways, by manipulating language or by employing the clever art of storytelling or argumentation
• Develop a sense of curiosity that will spark more self-directed pursuits as they engage in a variety of texts
• Become better writers, orators and hence more effective communicators
Lower Secondary
Readers' Theatre/Production of a Trailer
This performative learning experience develops students’ ability to articulate with intent and meaning, representing what they read and hear effectively as they convey the appropriate emotions and characterisation of the individuals in a text. After all, every story told well paints a million images in the listeners’ and viewers’ minds.
Students will:
• Become more effective meaning makers who can communicate with clarity
• Appreciate and analyse the nuances of language: how meaning and emotions can be conveyed with subtlety, or with certainty
• Take into consideration Purpose, Audience, Context and Culture, a crucial life skill that is relevant for effective communication in real life contexts, and across all disciplines
Secondary One to Three
Public Speaking
Selected students who have the talent and passion for public speaking will be identified by their teachers to be trained and to provided with platforms to develop their craft as orators. Seen as our way of stretching students with talent, these opportunities see students developing skills beyond the classroom curriculum.
Students will:
• Develop their thinking as they begin to venture into the conceptual thinking process behind the writing and delivery of their own speeches
• Become responsible, critical thinkers who seek feedback from others in order to improve their skills
• Gain confidence as writers or speakers
Secondary One to Five
Literary Appreciation Programmes
Various literary experiences (e.g. digital theatre programme and SingLit Station’s Book a Writer series) are organised for the students across their four/five years in Temasek. These authentic learning opportunities will serve to enrich and enhance their understanding of how language can be used in an impactful and purposeful manner through different artistic forms.
Students will:
• Foster greater appreciation for the literary arts
• Learn more about the craft of writing through learning experiences that involve engagement with practitioners in the field
Ms Nurulhuda Borhan Said (HOD/English Language & English Literature) nurulhuda_said@moe.edu.sg
Mr Muhammad Hilmy Zohry (SH/ English Language)
Mdm Harpreet Kaur (ST/ English Literature)
Mrs Deborah Huang
Mr Gabriel Sim Qin Jie
Mr Ian Alexander Ng
Ms Idriaty Sabari
Mdm Low Hwee Lin Clare
Ms Martina Ann Mei Qiang
Ms Mazna Mohd Hussain
Mrs Millicent Tee
Ms Robyn Yang
Mr Shafiq Rafi
Ms Sharon Koh
Ms Tan Hui Xin
Ms Tia Kai Ling
Mrs Doris Lee